Radio Spectrum Management is of ever increasing importance for Telecommunications Companies, Public Authorities as well as for Defense Forces.
It is necessary for the planning, implementation and operation phases of various types of technologies: point-to-point/multipoint links, broadband wireless access, cellular systems, radar, navigation systems as well as television and sound broadcasting networks, both analogue and digital.
The hierarchical process of military spectrum management has extensive needs for long-term strategic as well as short-term tactical frequency management.

This elearning course gives participants the knowledge of rules and regulations for the utilisation of the Radio Spectrum.
Methods for analysis, planning and coordination of radio systems in order to achieve required performance within the system are discussed, as well as precautions to avoid interfering with collocated radio systems.
International and national bodies and regulations are presented. International agreements for coordination are discussed.
Course 604 Introduction, organisations and regulations
- Introduction, organisations and regulations
- Radio Regulations
- Spectrum Monitoring
Course 605: Technicals Basics
Central subjects include coverage, availability and interference issues in Radio Spectrum Management.
An overview of radio wave propagation and characteristic radio system properties in different frequency ranges is presented. Radio wave propagation causing over-range and interference is discussed.
- Technical characteristics, radio noise
- Radio wave propagation
- Collocation Interference
Course 606 - Radio Spectrum Management for Various Services
Methods for planning and coordination of point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and area covering radio networks to achieve performance targets and spectral efficiency are covered. The following services are covered:
- Space services
- Mobile services
- Broadcasting services
- Radionavigation, Radiolocation, Science services
- Non-licensed services, other issues
Recommended course order is
1. 604 - Introduction, organisations and regulations
2. 605 - Technical basics
3. 606 - Spectrum Management for various services.
Students with no need for knowledge in the administrative work in spectrum management may select only (2) and (3).
When the Radio Spectrum Management course is conducted as classroom training the WRAP software for spectrum management and radio network planning is installed on the student computers and practical exercises are performed. The software is available for E-learning students also although the E-learning course does not make use of do-it-yourself exercises. Computer requirements are PC, Windows Vista, 7 SP1, 8 and 10.
Videos demonstrating the use of the software can be downloaded.
The videos can be found here:
You can search for the word WRAP to narrow down the results if needed.
Download software from below link and request for a trial license from Altair:
Download the file WRAPv 4.23.2 (or newer version if available), unzip and follow the Setup instructions document. You may also download the Videos folder to watch demonstrations on how to use the software.

Course 604 - Introduction to Radio Spectrum Management
- Course Overview
- Previous Knowledge and Definitions
- International Spectrum Management
- Major Tasks
- Military Spectrum Management
- Public Network Operators
- Broadcast Operators
- Other Users Operators
- Regulator Operator
- International Telecom Union Overview
- ITU-R Main Functions
- IUT-R Strategic Plan and Structure
- World Radio Conferences
- ITU Recommendations
Course 605 Technical Basics
Technical Characteristics, Radio Noise
- Link Budget
- Antenna characteristics and decibel
- bandwidth
- Noise
- Noise (cont)
- Man made noise
- Receiver transmitter
- ITU recommendations
Radio Wave Propagation
- Link Budget, Range of Frequencies
- Propagation Mechanisms (short-term)
- Propagation Mechanisms (long-term)
- Propagations Mechanisms
- Propagation Models
- Simplest Propagation Models
- Formulas
- Groud Refelection
- Ground Reflections (spherical earth)
- Surface Wave
- Refraction
- Additional losses
- Statistical Distribution of k-factor
- Additional Phenomena
- Okumura Hata
- Atmospheric Attenuation
- Diffraction
- Point to Area Model
- Long-range Interference Model
- Complete Radio Planning Software
- Complete Radio Planning Software (cont)
Collocation Interference
- Collocation Interference
- Collocation Interference, cont.
- Probability
- Isolation between Stations
- Filtering, calculation settings interference
- Adjacent Channel
- Receiver Blocking
- Harmonics, Image Frequency
- Intermodulation
- Interference- free Frequencies
- Spread Spectrum
- TH BH Interference
- Result Presentation
Course 606 Radio Spectrum Management for various Services
Space Services
- Space Services
- Earth Space Propagation
- Propagation Factors Interfering Paths
- Link Budget
- Geostationary Satellites GEO
- Nongeostationary Satellites and Orbits
- Designation of Frequency Bands
- Coordination Cases
- Provisions in ITU radio Regulations
- Earth Station Coordination RR, appendix 7
- Examples of Earth Station Coordination RR
- Satellite Network Coordination RR, appendix 8
- Example of Satellite Network Coordination RR
- Coordination Arc Approach (CAA)
- Worst Case vs Probable Case
- Appendices 30, 30A, 30B
- ITU Data and Software
- ITU Recommendations
Mobile Services
- Mobile Services
- Mobile Satellite Services
- Land Mobile Coverage Definitions
- Standard Deviations and jakes Method
- Fading Margins
- Population Coverage
- Frequency Assignment
- Assignment Margin
- Links and Area Coverage
- Automatic and Manual Assignment
- Network and Polarisation Assignment
- Frequency Allotment
- ITU Recommendations
Broadcasting Services
- Broadcasting Services
- Broadcasting Plans
- Broadcasting Allocations
- LF, MF, HF Sound Broadcasting
- LF, MF Broadcasting Plans
- Broadcasting Planning and Coordination
- General Coordination threshold FM TV
- T-DAB and DVB-T
- Coordination with aeronautical Services
- Methods for Combability Analysis
- ILS Localizer Designated Operational Coverage
- VOR Test Points inside DOC
- Implementation in WRAP
- Basic Concepts Broadcast Interference
- Settings software
- Interference Evaluation FM Sound analogue??
- Protection Ratios
- Interference Evaluation T-DAB DRM digital TV
- Systems Types
- Test Points
- Statistical Considerations
- Test Points
- Interference result
- Applicable ITU Recommendations
- Minimum Usable Field Strength
- Single Frequency Networks
- Broadcasting Services
Radio Navigation
- Radiodetermination
- Radio Navigation
- Aeronautical radio Navigation Aids
- ITU Rec F 1190
- Measures to reduce interference
- Radar coverage and Radar bands
- Science radio Services
- ITU-recommendations
Other issues in Spectrum Management
- Other issues intro
- Non-licensed services
- ISM bands
- Radio Regulations notes
- Radiation limits ISM bands
- Spectrum efficiency
- Notes and observations
- Spectrum Pricing and Licensing
- How to share and allot spectrum to users
- Wideband systems – short intro
- Frequency hopping spread spectrum
- Direct sequence spread spectrum
- Ultra-wideband
- Spectrum sharing narrow band and wideband system
- Recommendations