
Mr. Daniel G. Swanson Jr., DGS Associates, LLC, Boulder, CO. USA, is teaching this 3-day course in High Q Cavity Filters and Multiplexers.

Chebyshev and cross-coupled cavity combline filters are the preferred technology when high performance and relatively low cost filtering is required. Learn EM simulation and unique optimization methods that are keys to rapid, successful design.

This course is focused on practical filter design methods for Cavity Combline Filters for Wireless Systems. The core material is a universal procedure for narrow band filter design that can be applied to virtually any filter technology or topology. The procedure is rooted in Dishal's method with powerful extensions that include the port tuning concept, equal ripple optimization techniques, and efficient EM simulation. All the techniques presented can be implemented using commercially available CAD tools.

Course Content
Course 031 High Q Cavity Filters and Multiplexers
Seat Reservation
This course is currently not scheduled. If interested in the topic, please send us an email at cei@cei.se


Instructor Swanson Element
Daniel G. Swanson Jr.

DGS Associates, LLC, Boulder, CO   

Mr. Swanson has been a member of the Continuing Education Institute-Europe faculty since 1998.

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