
Mr. Henry Lau, CEO of Lexiwave Technology, Hong Kong and US, is teaching this 2-day course on Antenna Design for Wireless Producs. 

This course aims to provide participants with technical insights on the vital aspects of antenna design from a practical and industrial perspective. It covers the fundamental antenna concepts and definitions, specifications and performance of different types of commonly-used and advanced antennas in RF products. Simulation tools will be introduced and discussed. Practical implementation strategies in RF products for optimum antenna performance will also be presented.

Course Content
Course 812 Practical Antenna Design for Wireless Products
Seat Reservation
This course is currently not scheduled. If interested in the topic, please send us an email at cei@cei.se


Instructor Henry Lau Element
Mr. Henry Lau

CEO of Lexiwave Technology, Hong Kong and United States

Mr. Lau has been a member of the Continuing Education Institute-Europe faculty since 2021.

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