Instructor profile Olov Carlsson

Olov Carlsson

Senior Director – EM Solutions at Altair Engineering, Sweden.

Olov Carlsson currently holds the position of Senior Director – EM Solutions at Altair Engineering, Sweden, working with development of methods and procedures for radio network planning and radio spectrum management for implementation in software.

Mr. Carlsson received his Master of Science in Engineering Physics and Electrical Engineering from Linköping University in Sweden in 1976. He has held various positions at the Radio Systems department at Telub, Enator Communication, AerotechTelub, Saab Communications and since 2007 WRAP International.

Mr. Carlsson has wide experience in teaching Master level courses in Radio Spectrum Management as well as Radio Wave Propagation at the University of Växjö. His work includes consultancy in TETRA, GSM-R, fixed wireless access and ground-to-air network planning, investigations and analysis for interference considerations between military and civilian radio systems operating in shared frequency bands, definition of calculation methods for radio wave propagation, interference analysis, frequency assignment and coordination in software for radio spectrum management with methods that are applicable to cellular systems, land mobile radio, radar, analogue and digital broadcasting, microwave links, navigation systems, aeronautical systems etc. He has several engagements as technical expert in radio wave propagation, radio network planning and spectrum management.

Mr Olov Carlsson is a member of the Continuing Education Institute-Europe faculty since 2013.

Course 044 Radio Spectrum Management

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