Dr Anderson's research includes the study of advanced electronic and photonic materials processing issues. In particular, his group has an active program in the growth of group III nitrides for visible light emitting device applications. Other ongoing research programs range from flow visualization in bulk crystal growth to using organometallic precursors to grow thin films.
More recently his group has been using novel single source precursors to grow barrier materials for Cu metallization, exploring deposition of low work function materials for high brightness electron emitters, in addition to developing alternative processes to grow CuInSe2 absorber layers for thin film photovoltaic applications.
Dr Anderson is editor of the Chemical Engineering Education journal and associate editor of the J. Phase Equilibria.
Dr Anderson were recipient of the Lacey Lectureship at the California Institute of Technology, the C.M.A. Stine Award in Materials, the Union Carbide Lectureship Award, the Tau Beta Pi, Excellence in Undergraduate Education Award, the D.O.E. Research Partnership Award, and a Fullbright Research Scholar Award.
Dr Anderson has been a member of the Continuing Education Institute-Europe Faculty since 1985.
Course 036 Silicon Device Technology: Materials and Processing Overview