
Professor Albert J.P Theuwissen; Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands and Harvest Imaging, Belgium is the instructor for this advanced course in image sensors and digital cameras, focusing on hands-on evaluation and measurements of existing image sensors and cameras.

This training is the very first one of its kind and offers the participants the opportunity to work in the classroom with existing cameras and do the evaluation of the devices themselves. Laptops, cameras, lightsources, power supplies, test charts and other equipment needed will be provided. The amount of participants in the class room is limited to allow an optimal interaction between trainer and trainees. The theoretical background of the measurements will be explained first.



Course Content
Course 004 Hands-on Characterization of Solid-State Image Sensors
Seat Reservation
This course is currently not scheduled. If interested in the topic, please send us an email at cei@cei.se


Albert J.P Theuwissen
Professor Albert J.P. Theuwissen

Professor at the Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands and CEO of Harvest Imaging, Belgium.

Dr. Theuwissen has been teaching in more than 100 courses for us since year 1999.

In 2013 he received the Exceptional Service Award of IISS and in 2014 the SEMI Award.

Dr. Theuwissen has been a member of the Continuing Education Institute-Europe Faculty since 1999.
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