Dr. Mathias Wien, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, is teaching about Versatile Video Coding.
Video delivery accounts for about 2/3 of today’s internet traffic, and expected to grow further. At the same time, the target application space evolves further towards higher picture resolution, higher dynamic range (HDR), fast motion capture, or previously unaddressed formats such as 360° video.
While HEVC is the state-of-the-art video compression standard with profiles addressing virtually all video-related products of today, the next generation standard Versatile Video Coding (VVC) is currently taking shape. The VVC working draft shows significant performance improvements relative to the established technology.
This course is intended for engineers with a background in signal processing. Participants new to the field will be introduced to video coding. Participants with video coding experience will be updated to the significant developments in most recent video coding standardization.