
Elya B. Joffe, Electromagnetic Solutions Ltd., Israel is teaching this 4-day course in Advanced EMC Design, which is dealing with the theory and practices of grounding and shielding for meeting EMC objectives.

The discipline of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is concerned with the design of Electronic Systems, while minimizing electromagnetic coupling and interference from within the system and between systems to their environment. Meeting the strict EMC standards, as well as ensuring the satisfactory performance of the equipment in its intended electromagnetic environment, requires the implementation of technical measures into the system’s design. Grounding forms an inseparable part of all electronic and electrical designs, from circuit through system up to installation design. Grounding is implemented for EMC and ESD protection, for safety purposes, for lightning and surge protection. Shielding, on the other hand, is a necessity for avoiding electromagnetic field coupling from and into equipment enclosure. Adequate shielding is necessary to enhance immunity of equipment, and reduce emissions from the equipment enclosure. Grounding and shielding are two of the essential concepts in EMC design. No design will be acceptable without them being properly implemented.

Course Content
Course 060 Grounding and Shielding: The Essence of EMC Design
Seat Reservation
Valencia, Spain
March 17 - 20, 2025

No payment now. We will contact you for firm registration in good time before course date.



Instructor Joffe Element
Elya B. Joffe

Electromagnetic Solutions Ltd., Israel, Senior EMC Engineering Specialist

Mr. Joffe has over 25 years of experience in government and industry, in EMC/E3, Electromagnetic Compatibility/Electromagnetic Environmental Effects, for electronic systems and platforms.

Mr. Joffe has been a member of the Continuing Education Institute-Europe Faculty since 2004.

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