
Mr. Per Håkansson, Managing Editor of Inside Blockchain, TEDx speaker, Learning facilitator, from San Francisco, United States.

How the Blockchain is reshaping the world

The Blockchain has emerged as one of the most powerful new technologies since the advent of the commercial web back in the 90s. When looking closer, it’s a very logical next step in the digital transformation that the world is undergoing at the moment.

Until the Blockchain, we didn’t have a trusted system for handling value transactions in digital networks. The only option we had was to rely on and trust a monopolistic transactional system, run by private and centralized financial institutions and nation-states, which we learned in 2008 during the global financial meltdown has serious critical design flaws.

Course Content
Course 203 Blockchain - Reshaping the World
Seat Reservation
This course is currently not scheduled. If interested in the topic, please send us an email at cei@cei.se


Instructor Novak Element
Per Håkansson

Mr. Per Håkansson is the managing editor for the newsletter Inside Blockchain, TED-speaker and learning facilitator. He has a long experience and deep understanding of digital transformation through working for more than 15 years in Silicon Valley for early Internet companies like Icon Medialab, Yahoo! and Blub.com, leading the product development and strategy.

Mr. Håkansson has been a member of the Continuing Education Institute-Europe faculty since 2018..

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