Mrs. Blom received her Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering in 1990 from Linköping University in Sweden. Her main thesis subject was fluid mechanics and thermodynamics. She also holds a Bachelors Degree in Chemistry from 1984. For the last 25 years Mrs.Blom has worked with vibration measurements. The combination of mechanical engineering and chemistry has been a powerful tool in concluding Root Cause Analysis on complex problems.
Mrs. Blom has been a part of the Vibration Department of ABB STAL (now Siemens Power Systems) as well as ÅF-Process Measurements and trouble shooting in energy. The last 10 years she has worked as an independent consultant with focus on measuring. Vibrations has been the main focus but solving a complex problem needs complex measurements combining skills in vibrations, acoustics, temperature, flow, pressure etc. Most projects have been for industry and in industry on site, as measurements done in controlled environment are hard to come by.
During the years Mrs. Blom has taught measuring courses at Linköping University and lectured in seminars and at various conferences.
Mrs. Blom joined the Contiuning Education Institute-Europe faculty in 2017.
Course 401 Industrial Failure and Root Cause Investigation - for Management
Course 402 Industrial Failure and Root Cause Investigation - Technology Focus