
Dr. Walter Lange, is teaching this two-day class focusing on the fundamentals to enable successful creation of Technology Patents. This class teaches systems and methods based on the successful approaches used and/or developed by the authors. The course will not only focus on how to create – the actually processes by which patents are conceived, but also the basic construction of successful patent applications and the critical considerations for developing and managing a creative group. It will also discuss approaches to company strategies for managing patents.  This course was created to address a broad-spectrum audience, not only Technology focused semiconductors, but any industry in which there is a need for IP protection. The course does not cover design or plant patents.

Course Content
Course 870 Invention and Innovation – Creation and Management of World Class Patents
Seat Reservation
This course is currently not scheduled. If interested in the topic, please send us an email at cei@cei.se


Instructor Walter Lange Element
Dr. Walter F. Lange

Dr. Lange has been a member of the Continuing Education Institute-Europe faculty since 2024.

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